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How to Pick the Right Managed Service Provider for Your Business

Are you starting, or do you manage a small business or another organization? If so, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is selecting a managed service provider (MSP). Select the right partner, and they’ll help you build a world-class IT infrastructure that suits your needs and provides a foundation for success and technological empowerment.


Select the wrong MSP, and you’ll constantly be dealing with IT headaches and could even expose your organization to cybersecurity risks and other threats. 


At 3nom, we spend time and effort to determine and address the individual needs of each client and staying in close touch throughout the relationship. This has allowed us to develop a deep understanding of how we can best meet those needs as an MSP. When selecting a managed service provider, you need to take the following considerations into account. 


First, How’s the Team Look?

A managed service provider will only be as good as its staff and leadership. Put simply, every provider out there has more or less the same access to the technology available out there, but it’s up to the team’s knowledge and skill to make that tech work for you, create custom solutions, and service you the way you deserve. When examining managed services providers, make sure you head to the “About Us” page. You’ll want to get a feel for team members, their education, work experience, and approach. 

If you end on the phone with a particular managed service provider, feel free to ask them some “personal” questions. Ask the CEO or manager about their hobbies, views on technology trends, or whatever else will help you get a good grasp of them.


At 3Nom, we focus on people, performance, and process. We only work with the most experienced niche experts who share our values of the uncompromised client-centricity, which allows us to provide excellent service. Results are a must, and we spend a lot of time honing and refining our processes.


Next, Find Out if the MSP Serviced a Company of Your Size

It doesn’t matter if you have thousands of employees or are a team of one, when selecting a managed service provider, make sure they’ve worked with companies of similar size in the past. When talking with a potential managed service provider, ask them about challenges unique to companies of your size and what possible solutions they might suggest.


If the managed service provider knows their stuff, its employees will be able to provide insightful, nuanced answers. If the responses are wishy-washy or sound canned, either the employee or the company might fall short.


If you get in touch with 3nom, feel free to ask us tough questions. We’ve crafted a reputation as a top managed service provider by solving difficult challenges and always offering solutions tailored to our customers and their needs.


Make Sure the MSP Knows Your Industry

Each industry will have its own unique IT needs and challenges. The IT needs for a medical practice will be different from a plumbing business or a call center. The tech solutions and systems you might need will vary considerably.


You should see if a potential managed service provider has worked with a company in your industry or a closely-related industry before. Sometimes the MSP might not have experience in your industry, but they might still be knowledgeable. Ask about specific challenges, solutions, and needs you and your competitors face.


We’ve worked with clients in a wide range of industries and found that we must approach each with a purpose and a vision. While solutions and best practices might vary from industry to industry, with the right intent and dedicated experts on-call, we are equipped to craft world-class IT infrastructures and solutions. 


Make Sure the MSP Will be Able to Scale with You

Your business or organization might be small right now, but if things go well, your company could quickly grow. If expanding staff, offices, or operations is in the pipeline for you, make sure that your managed service provider will be able to scale with you, or better yet, to anticipate and facilitate your growth. Let potential MSPs know that you could end scaling and ask them if and how they’d help you manage your growth.


Ask if the MSP Provides Around the Clock Support

IT issues can creep in day or night. Security threats, in particular, are a major concern, and often hackers will target your organization during non-business hours. Is your MSP on duty around the clock? Can their team respond to cybersecurity attacks, downed systems, and other issues any time, or do they only work 9 to 5? 


Finally, Find Out if the Managed Service Provider is Proactive

Some managed service providers are reactive. They only address issues after they crop up. When new technologies and systems are rolled out, they play it safe and wait for adoption to become commonplace. As a result, they’re often behind the curve, and that means you’re behind the curve as well.


At 3nom, we adopt a proactive approach. We’re keeping up to date on the latest technological developments, new software solutions, cybersecurity threats, and more. The IT industry has changed a lot over the past few decades, and 3nom has evolved with it.


Make sure the managed service provider you select is likewise proactive.


Do you feel like it’s time to optimize your budget and refocus your efforts into growth and customer experience by outsourcing your IT? Give 3nom a call today to see if we are the right fit for your business! 

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